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Auger Shells, Spindle Shells, Terebridae, Ceriths

Auger Shells, Spindle Shells, Terebridae,  Ceriths
Shop our inventory of authentic Auger Shells, Terebridae Shells, Spindle Shells and Cerith Seashells Wholesale and in small lots.  Our Auger Shells range in size from 3/4 inch to 7 inches in length. Buy Wholesale Turritella Duplicate Auger Shells for .18 each; Center Cut Cerithiums for .13 each; 6 inches White Spindle Shells in Bulk for .85 each.   The Terebridae Shell, commonly referred to as Auger Shells or Auger Snails is in the superfamily Conoidea. Their shells resemble rock-drill bits. The shells of the sea snails in this family are typically shaped like slender augers shells or screws. In that respect they share certain shell characters with the family Turritellidae, the turret shell. Our Spindle Shells are from the family Fusinidae. They are long spindle shaped, elegant seashells.  Spindle shells are elongated and tapered to a point.  They are carnivous and prey on other small sea creatures. Our spindle shells are white in color and comes in sizes from 2 inches up to 8 inches.  

$100 Minimum Order
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