Sea Life Sun Dried

If you are looking for dried sea life for crafts or decorating, look no further as we have a wide selection to choose from. We carry all kinds of wholesale starfish in bulk, and in small lots including White Starfish and Natural Starfish from 1/2 inches up to 10 inches. Also have Wholesale Denuded Dried Sea Urchins in bulk and in small lots including Alfonso Sea Urchins, Purple Sea Urchin Shells, Green Sea Urchins, Pink Sea Urchins, and Dried Sputnik Sea Urchins. You will also find Mounted Braziilan Piranha and medium size Dried Natural Sea Sponge in sizes 5 inches up to 10 inches. Plus all sizes of Purple Barnacle Clusters Wholesale and Individually in sizes from 3 inches up to 12 inches, Dried Molted Horseshoe Crabs and dried porcupine blowfish with long sharp spines..
We Only Ship Within the US
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