Giraffe Skull

Authentic Female Giraffe Skull for Sale and Real Male African Giraffe skull for sale, Giraffa Camelopardalis, imported under a CITES Permit from South Africa. We carry female and male giraffe skulls with mandibles and giraffe skulls without mandlibles. They range in size from 21 inches up to a huge 27 inches. The large male giraffe skulls are extremely heavy while the female skulls are fairly light weight. Giraffes are the world's tallest mammal with a spotted body. Giraffes are found in the grasslands. Since they occasionally drink water, they are not found close to a water source. All our giraffe skulls have been professionally cleaned and whitened in South Africa and are ready for display. We ship these large skulls UPS and most will require an Adult Signature due to their value. They cannot be shipped through the post office.
These are NOT endangered! They were obtained from the African government's culling program or they died from natural causes - old age, drought, disease, etc.
We Only Ship Within the US
Our Wholesale Website is:
Atlantic Coral Enterprise - Atlantic Coral Enterprise, Inc. - $100 Minimum Order.
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