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Scallop Shells, Clam Shells, Cockle Shells

Scallop Shells, Clam Shells, Cockle Shells
Shop our variety of Wholesale Clam Shells for Crafts and Scallop Shells for Crafts in Bulk.  Buy brightly colored pecten nobilis scallop shells sold in bulk bags, San Diego scallop shells 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 inches, Great Scallop Baking Shells 3 to 5 inches; Lion's Paw Scallop Shells 4 to 6 inches; Tiny Purple Cay Cay Clams Under 1 inch; White Ark Clam Shells 1 to 2-1/4 inches; Ribbed Rose Clam Shells under 1 inch, polished purple clam shells, white ribbed cockle shells, Pacific yellow cockle shells with pink accents and many more. Pecten Shells in a variety of sizes and Colorful Cockle Shells for Crafts are also available Wholesale and by the kilo bag.   Use Clam Shells, Scallop Shells, Pectens or Cockles for creating unique centerpieces, ornaments, wreaths, mirrors and more.    These are edible bivalves highly prized as a food source and for their brightly colored fan shaped shells with their radiating and often fluted ornamentation.  They are valued by shell collectors and have been used since ancient times as motifs in art, architecture and design.  

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